Saturday, January 18, 2014

Those Pesky New Year Resolutions!

I hate to admit it, but I felt a bit smug.  Only for a second or so.  I'm not proud of it.  I kept reading about people making resolutions for the new year regarding health and exercise, and I was thinking, "FINALLY I am on the ball!"  It has been a long journey, but I am now dedicated to working out regularly, because I love it and it makes me feel saner.  (Notice I didn't say 'sane'; it's not a miracle drug!)  Also I feel that overall I eat a very healthy diet, and I like eating that way; it tastes better to me and I feel better when I eat 'clean' food.  So, yes.  I was kindof mentally dismissing the need to make any new year's resolutions at all.  It was a wonderful few seconds of my life.  Then I looked around me.  At my house.  At the closets that desperately need to be de-cluttered and organized.  At the junk drawers that keep accumulating.  At the toys that my children have out-grown but are still, inexplicably, there.  And I sighed.  I have a long way to go.  I need to resolve to organize, de-clutter, and clean.  Darn.  There's always something!


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