Thursday, April 11, 2013

This Is 40...Is Hilarious!

This movie made me laugh hysterically.  There were so many funny parts.  So many lines I could relate to.  You've got to laugh, am I right?  The part with Paul Rudd on the bed with the just has to be seen to be understood.  And the scene in the principal's office too.  A classic.  We're all dysfunctional and imperfect but we have to love anyway.  We've got to keep having fun.  Who's with me?


Gillian said...

jim and I just watched this the other night and found it a bit depressing....but we weren't fans of bridesmaids either so maybe it's just us.

Jennifer Dunlop Jormakka said...

I know what you mean - the movie really took everything to extremes!

sabbyj said...

we just watched this the other night too! the mirror part! oh dear! I loved her face. she did it so well. p.s. I still read your blog.