Saturday, February 16, 2013

Is Luke Skywalker Girly?

The other day we were at the hockey arena (surprise!) and my daughter was unpacking the pink bag of her extra-special toys that she brought to entertain herself.  As she lined up her pink stuffed animals, pink lip smacker, dolls and various general pink items, I thought again how funny it is how many girly traits she demonstrates even though she lives in a very boy-dominated house.  She has two older brothers.  The house is full of hockey paraphernalia, sports items, Pokemon and Magic, and other boy-themed games. 

Yet she is very drawn to dresses, fancy shoes, pink and purple anything; she loves to play with babies and dolls.  She is very emotional and nurturing.  Obviously most of it is innate.

Then, when she had all her pink items lined up and ready, she suddenly leaned toward me and said in a deep voice, "Come to the dark side, Luke!"

Hmmmmm.  I guess the boys have had some influence, after all!


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